![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:09 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
If anybody has been following the news lately, you'll know that the other day, and unarmed kid (17 years old) was killed by police in St. Louis.
This killing has set off a shit storm in the St. Louis area. Tensions were running high the past two days and tonight things finally burst. Riots and looting started earlier tonight.
I'm writing this because my neighbor owns an tire/auto parts store right in the center of where these riots are taking place. I just found out that his shop was broken into and people are looting all kinds of stuff from his shop. I was watching the news, seeing people walk out of his store with wheels, tires and tons of other parts.
My neighbor worked his ass off to build his business and this is literally tearing him apart right now. He just left his house a few minutes ago with his shotgun to hopefully scare a few looters away from his business. I just hope he can stay safe and out of trouble when he makes it out to his shop.
Sorry for the long stupid post, but this is really bothering me.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:13 |
Oh shit man that sucks.
Also ya this shit has gotten outta hand that area is gonna turn ESTL fast like the race riots of the past did
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:13 |
This is why certain cultures aren't respected by others. Protest - fine - but why loot? You lose respect and support from all.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:16 |
Is it April 26th already?
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:17 |
poor wording. unless you are trying to tell us something.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:19 |
Damn, I feel sorry for your neighbor. While those events are undoubtedly tragic and unfortunate, they aren't your neighbors fault, and he shouldn't have to suffer the consequences.
People need to learn how to handle things appropriately, or else everyone suffers and nothing constructive is done.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:21 |
Zisser Tire or whatever it's called?
I know a guy who lives a couple streets over from all this.
This is just plain stupid.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:26 |
He is incredibly stupid if he left the house with a shotgun and headed towards a riot.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:26 |
Ya I wish he hadn't gone out there, but the shop is his life. Literally. There's a better chance than not that the police will stop him from getting to the shop right now.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:27 |
Stand on top of the building and pick them off in groups?
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:27 |
Ya, north county was already a mess, this is just making it worse.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:28 |
Yep, it's Zisser. The guy is a total gear head, nice as can be and he is the last person this should ever happen to. I'm really pissed and hope he stays safe.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:29 |
God, you'd think it was here in St. Louis.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:30 |
I have to agree with heliochrome that your wording was poor, but I will definitely agree that looting and rioting destroys any credibility or respect that I had for people in the community that were affected by that kid's death.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:31 |
I have a feeling the police aren't going to let him through. Hopefully the idiots don't torch the place.
I just realized how close all of this is to North County Tech, which is where I'm going tomorrow.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:31 |
If you wanna get out of STL come to Springfield its much better down there.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:32 |
Yep my buddy and I were THIS close to grabbing our shotguns and heading down there with him. Saw him as he was leaving his house but he told us to stay back. Most the roads are closed off there now so I doubt he will be getting too close to the shop.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:33 |
Extremely tempting right now.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:34 |
STL is a fucking powerkeg right now I also move in this weekend and I officially own the GT now so let the fun begin!
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:34 |
Stupid, but he built his business out of nothing. He's poured years of hard work into his shop and is having a hard time watching the news and seeing assholes walk off with his stuff.
Anyways, there's a pretty good chance the police aren't going to let him anywhere near the shop.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:35 |
Awesome man, have fun with that GT! Try not to get too many tickets haha
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:35 |
I will try not to!
![]() 08/11/2014 at 00:37 |
I feel for him but it's not safe. hope he makes it home.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 01:54 |
Yeah, things could get even more out of hand if he actually got to the shop. Especially with him carrying a gun around.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 02:00 |
Some of my former coworkers are employed at the QuikTrip that (last I heard) is on fire and was completely looted and ransacked before being lit up. Thankfully the employees got out safe, but the last thing the community should be doing is destroying itself and its microeconomy. Hope your friend has good insurance, and maybe can relocate to a more acceptable part of town. Down in South County we're always looking for a good custom shop, and there are a few places up for sale that could accommodate.
Also, and not to nitpick, the young man was 18, not 17, though it's still sad either way. It's quite a confused and confusing situation that lead up to his death, and folks are too willing to point fingers rather than prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 02:02 |
Full moon, though, if you believe in that sort of thing.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 02:05 |
Apparently the looting and rioting started during the peaceful memorial service for the young man who was shot, and from what I can tell (St. Louis native and resident here) the group that started the criminal activities tonight weren't a part of the memorial service/peaceful protest, and seemed intent on pursuing the illicit activities while eyes were turned elsewhere. They've also been widely sharing their exploits on social media, so I hope they are caught, arrested, and made to rebuild brick-by-brick what they have destroyed. Jail would just cost already-burdened taxpayers more money, after all.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 02:39 |
Ya the Quicktrip was on fire last I heard.
I assume my neighbor has great insurance on his place but who really knows. I'm going out there tomorrow to help him clean up the mess. I just feel bad for him at this point.
He opened his shop in that area because that's where he grew up. Can't blame him for wanting to stay true to his roots.
Are you in St. Louis?
![]() 08/11/2014 at 07:07 |
Damn this is the first I have heard about it. Looked up the news from last night, shit is fucked up.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 11:10 |
St. Louis has been one of the most segregated and racially charged cities in the US for years now. It just finally boiled over, I guess.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 22:28 |
I'm here with you, sir. The whole city is sober today.
The idea that major retailers are being looted miles from the scene and the protests is proof that ignorant brats feel like now is their chance to get free stuff. I hope the social media boasting comes and bites most of them in the ass.
I feel incredible sorrow for Mike Brown. I never knew the guy and often there is plenty of praise for the victim, but this time it seems this was a stand up kid. Prayers for his family.